Webinar nr. 3 - Materials from aquaculture for fertilization

Carlos Letelier-Gordo, DTU Aqua, MARIGREEN (BlueBio): Application of lignocellulose as filtration material in recycling aquaculture systems (RAS)

Joshua Cabell, Norwegian Centre for Organic Agriculture, MARIGREEN (BlueBio): Treatment of RAS-lignocellulose by composting

Trevor Gent, Alumichem: Phosphorus management and solids reuse options

Bente Føreid, Norwegian Institute for Bioeconomy Research, Sea2Land project (Horizon2020): Fish sludge from aquaculture – overview of fertilizer application trials

Webinar nr. 2 - Blue materials for fertilization

Åsgeir Almås, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, SeaSoil (Blue Bio): Heavy metals – soil concentrations and plant uptake with high applications of seaweed to agricultural crops

Sigbjørn Landazuri Tveteraas, NORCE, MARIGREEN (BlueBio): The emergence of a European market for organic fertilizers: Opportunities for the blue sector

Philip James, Nofima, InEVAl project (Blue Bio) + Restore Macroalgae forests (RCN): Use of sea urchin biomass as an agricultural biostimulant

Ailin Moloșag, University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, MARIGREEN (BlueBio): Utilization of fishbone and seaweed residues in growth trials with strawberry

Webinar nr. 1 - Composting blue residual materials for valorisation

Joshua Cabell, Norwegian Centre for Organic Agriculture, MARIGREEN (BlueBio): Heat development in materials with high conductivity and pH

Ingeborg Korme, Coordinator Blue Bioeconomy ERA-Net Cofund: Identify new and improve existing ways of bringing bio-based products and services to the market

Oana Parvulescu, National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, MARIGREEN (BlueBio): Optimising the conditions for production of compost tea

Marianne Arneng, Research Council of Norway: Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership presentation

Violeta Alexandra Ion, University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest MARIGREEN (BlueBio): Utilisation of composted blue residual materials as growing media

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No. 8 - AUGUST 2024

In this issue:

  • Why blue compost?
  • The composting experiment
  • Results
  • Who we are & contact info